QFI Meeting on Sunday, 28th August

Hello, QFI Chennai will hold a double-barrelled quiz session this coming Sunday, August 28. As always, there will be a QF1 and a team quiz.  Details of the forthcoming session: Date – 28th August (Sunday) Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004 Time – 10 AM – 1 PM QF1: Deviprasad (DP) Team Quiz: Ujwal…

QFI Online Quizzes – FAQs

What are the QFI online quizzes?Where are they held?How do I participate in them?Why can’t QFI subscribers participate in all the quizzes?What are you doing about people Googling during these quizzes?But seriously though, why not make all your events Google proof?How do I get to participate in these quizzes, instead of just watching them? Do…

New QFI Google Group and QFI Online Quizzes

As Yahoo Groups mailing lists have gone through significant limitations in features, we have recently created a QFI mailing list  for carrying announcements about quizzes on Google Groups. You can also add yourself to the new QFI Google Group through this link: https://groups.google.com/group/quizfoundationWe will still be sending out announcement emails on the Yahoo group but…

QFI Ender Bender 2019

ProspectusThe Wee Company(Formerly known as “WeQFI”) Our Story: Wee is a community quiz company committed to maximum global impact. Our mission is to elevate the world’s consciousness, but also to try to start quizzes on time. (The latter is more difficult.) Technology is at the foundation of our global platform, as can be seen in…

New Season of QF1

New: Signup for QF1 using this link: http://qf1signup.quizfoundation.com The new season of QF1 has started and a few editions have been posted. To allow for late openings of schools, colleges, people’s vacations etc., we will extend the scores deadline for the first few editions. Sign up to the QF1 League remains free and open throughout…

QFIesta 2019 Results

Detailed results for anyone who wants them: “Saare! Jahaan se Achchan” — A general quiz by the Fraud Mallus team – Arun Hiregange, Gopal Kidao, Ravi Mundoli Results:  First: WIMWI Manram (Rajiv Rai, Srinath Bhashyam, Vinoo Sanjay) (279 pts) Second: QED (Samanth, Swami, Jayakanthan) (232 pts) Third: Notepad at all (Arul Mani, Santosh Swaminathan, Venkat)…

Results of the QFI U-S Open 2017

The second edition of the QFI U-S Open was held in January. The top five teams in the prelim made it to the final directly while a semifinal was conducted for the next eight teams with three more teams making it to the final from there.  Here are the results: Top 5 Scores in Prelim…