New QFI Google Group and QFI Online Quizzes

As Yahoo Groups mailing lists have gone through significant limitations in features, we have recently created a QFI mailing list  for carrying announcements about quizzes on Google Groups.

You can also add yourself to the new QFI Google Group through this link:
We will still be sending out announcement emails on the Yahoo group but please note that this will be for a limited time to allow for everyone time to move to the Google Group. 

We have been conducting weekly online quizzes over Discord and other platforms for the past few months. You can watch a stream of a recent session on Youtube here:

If you’d like to watch these weekly sessions, sign up for free through this form:

(Please note that most of our weekly sessions will be streamed on a private URL accessible only to those who have signed up. The public Youtube channel will have a few quizzes which the QMs allow us to put up online.)