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We charge a nominal fee of Rs 1000 per year towards access to a private mailing list where questions from our meeting are circulated. This subscription is entirely optional and you don’t need to be a subscriber to attend our fortnightly meetings or to participate in our quizzes. The subscription is just a way to support the Quiz Foundation of India and it helps offset the costs involved in organizing the meetings and events.

All our meetings and quizzes remain free to attend. The announcements mailing list of QFI where notifications of our meetings and information of various quizzes happening around the country remains free and open to all as well and you can sign up for the same at

If you’d like to become a subscriber of the private mailing list where the quizzes are circulated, please proceed to to pay your subscription. This subscription is open to all, irrespective of your location and you need not attend QFI meetings in person in order to be able to subscribe to the same. Anyone from any part of the world can subscribe to QFI by paying their subscription dues.

Here are a few questions from the 2014 QFI Grandmaster Quiz.