QFI Invitational Quiz Results

112 teams in 14 cities across India took part in the QFI Invitational team quiz on Sunday, May 14th. The toppers among all the teams were Puneri Peter Pachali, who took part from Pune, consisting of Sachin Deshpande, Pritwish Datta and Piyush Kedia. They scored 40 out of a maximum of 60 points. The other…

QFIesta Quiz Festival, August 13-15, 2022

Greetings from the other side, As the covid-19 pandemic fades into the past (ha! famous last words), we think it’s time to restore some words and phrases to the use they were originally intended: â—‰ “Cover your nose and mouth” …particularly during a closely fought quiz final, when the next team might hear you discussing…