Dear denizens of various quizzing multiuniverses,
QFI Chennai invites everyone — and we mean everyone: midnight MIMIRers, pub quizzers, real-world quizfesters, league champions, league stragglers, Twitter quizzerati, Indians who want to know, Indians who don’t mind knowing but aren’t really all that particular, Whatsapp group quizzers, casual newspaper-quiz readers, Norwegian quiz autodidacts — to its 2023 edition of QFIesta, its annual quiz blowout.
This year, QFI’s quizmasters have five quizzes lined up over the weekend of August 12-13. More casual quizzing fun on August 14 (details below), and then we push ahead to the Zifo Quiz, Dr Navin Jayakumar’s Landmark-Quiz-by-another-name, on August 15!
All QFIesta quizzes are open to teams of up to three people. We are also happy to announce there is no registration fee for any quiz at QFIesta for anyone. So entry is free for all teams.
The full four-day schedule below:
Saturday, August 12 @ the CP Arts Centre, Alwarpet
930 am-130 pm: India’s Hit — the India Quiz, conducted by Siva, Keshav, and Bhargava
2 pm-4 pm: The QFI Invitational Quiz’s Chennai prelims – open to everyone who hasn’t yet qualified from any other city, conducted by Abid, Siddhanth, Rajagopal, and KVK
4 pm-830 pm: Madras Talkie — the Movie Quiz, conducted by Vinod and Priyambad
Sunday, August 13 @ the CP Arts Centre, Alwarpet
930 am-130 pm: The August-a Masters — the Sports Quiz, conducted by Rohit, Varun, and Ramesh
2 pm-4 pm: The QFI Invitational Quiz finals, for all qualified teams
4 pm-8 pm: The QFI Open Quiz, conducted by Vinid, Dinesh, Harish, and Mario
Monday, August 14 @ The Madras Boat Club
6 pm-10 pm: Casually Speaking — an informal evening of drinks, dinner, and quizzing. An entry fee of Rs.1000 will be charged to cover venue and food costs. Coupons for drinks can be purchased with cash on the day of the event.
Register for the informal event at . More details about the registration fee, format, and dress code at the link. Do sign up quickly, since attendance is limited to 40 by the venue’s capacity.
Tuesday, August 15 @ the Madras Music Academy
2 pm onwards: The Zifo Open Quiz, conducted by Dr Navin Jayakumar. Details and registration at
(Wednesday, August 16: recover at your own pace.)
For any questions, please email
We hope to see you there!
The QFI Chennai team