191: Victorian era body builder Eugene Sandow who lent his name to various health enthusiasts of the time who became film personalities – Raja Sandow, Sandow Thevar etc. Cracked by two grand old men of Chennai quizzing, who probably know this on a first hand basis. 🙂

192: Capitalize.

4 thoughts on “192

  1. Capitals of South Africa: Pretoria (named after Andries Pretorius), Bloemfontein (means fountain of flowers), and Capetown (that’s a map of the Eastern Cape region)

  2. All were capitals of South Africa – Executive, Judicial and Legislative
    Andries Pretorius – Pretoria
    Foutain of Flowers – Bloemfontein
    Cape of Good Hope -Cape Town

  3. Andries Pretorius, Sprig of flowers and the Cape of Good Hope. Capitals of South Africa – Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape Town respectively.

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