On what is this comic book/graphic novel based?
‘The Fountain’, by Darren Aronofsky.
Cracked by 20 of you! In order – ganesh, zizzyphus, bobo, harsha, Sharath, vijaysarathy, CR, li’l_boy-fat_man, Sumo, Thejaswi Udupa, Priya, sai, Venkatesh S (Venky), Philip, Ram Kumar, Apurva, Rohan, ixo, malcaluffin, and Rajiv Rai.
Two people got all six this week – ganesh and zizzyphus. Well done! However, beating zizzyphus to answer submission all six times, and becoming the sixth QFI Chennai Super King is – ganesh! Applause!
Darren Aronofsky’s film ” The Fountain”
Based on the film “The Fountain” by Darren Aronofsky.
the fountain
based on the movie – The Fountain
The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky
darren aronofsky’s the fountain
The Fountain- Aronofsky film.
The screenplay of The Fountain by Darren Aronofsky .
The movie: Fountain, by Darren Aronofsky
The Fountain
Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain (movie).
The Fountain, based on the original script of Darren Aronofsky’s film, The Fountain.
Darren Aronofsky’s movie The Fountain.
The Fountain. Actually, the book came before the movie. Although the script was written before the book.
The Fountain – a mesmerizing feature film by Darren Aronofsky
– Apurva
this reminds me of “the background” – one story I had in my 12th standard english textbook
daniel aronofsky’s first script, the fountain, whose production was cancelled
the fountain
adam and eve to say broadly the bible..er..
the fountain
Arnofsky’s movie ‘The Fountain’ – what you can seeon the back is the Tree of Life.
The novel is based on a once abandoned movie script of Darren Aronofsky