QFI Meeting on Sunday, 29th July 2018

*This Sunday’s meeting is at PS Senior and in the morning*

This Sunday, we will be hosting a rerun of the BAQC’s open quiz (Bay Area Quiz Club). The quiz has been researched and set by Govind Krishnamurthi and Balaji Srinivasan. Ramesh Natarajan (Nat) will conduct it on their behalf.

The venue is PS Senior, Mylapore, and the session will begin at 10 a.m. Full address and other details are at the bottom of this email. No fees or subscription or registration is necessary to take part. Just turn up on the day regardless of whether you want to participate or just watch.

QFI does issue annual subscriptions as well, but this is a purely optional way to support QFI and receive every one of its Sunday quizzes (and quiz fest quizzes) by email. If you wish to subscribe or renew your subscription, you can do so at one of the Sunday meetings or online at http://subscribe.quizfoundation.com. For 2018, our annual membership is a nominal Rs 1,000.

Details of the forthcoming Sunday quiz session:

Date – 29th July (Sunday)
Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004
Time – 10 AM

For any queries, please write to us at mail@quizfoundation.com
We hope to see you there!
