Daily Question – 20

What had just happened? U.S. President James Garfield had just been shot by Charles Guiteau. He would go on to die 80 days later because of complications arising from the shooting. 21 of you had the right answer! In order – Sankhya, zizzyphus, Thomas Masun, BoFi, The Clueless Anon, anannyad, DP, vijaysarathy, Manish Mani, anon-on-narkotix,…

Daily Question – 8

What is happening? And where is it happening? Lyndon B. Johnson being sworn in aboard Air Force One, around two hours after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. 35 people attempted it, 34 of them got it right, and citibank(rupt) gave us some additional business trivia!

Daily Question – 4

Some people say that he was up for an honorary Oscar this year, for his hefty contributions to the movie industry, which was cancelled at the last minute when the Academy found out he watched most movies pirated. All we know is, his name is Vikram Rajan and he wants to ask you this question:…