Folks, we’re glad to announce that the latest season of QF1 is here. We’ve just sent out the first edition set by JK (Jayakanthan R and not our comrade in Goa/Hyderabad).
In case you’re wondering where the QF1 Season1 results are, we’d like to inform you that we’re running slightly behind schedule but should be ready within the next week or so. We’d almost finished compiling the results when we realized that a fledgling quiz club called QFI Chennai hadn’t sent in their scores for Season 1 Edition 10. We were mulling a blacklist but that seemed like a loop strange enough to be featured in a book by Douglas Hofstadter.
In case you’ve just finished your winter hibernation and are wondering what the fuss is all about, please read our FAQ here ( and get in touch with us if you or your quiz club would like to be part of QF1 Season 2.