QFI Ender Bender 2018

QFI Chennai will once again host its famed Ender Bender all-day quiz this December. Everybody brings questions, 10-15 apiece. We quiz, we drink beverages, we eat lunch and snacks, and we roll out at the end of the day, our belief in our founding mission revived once more.

Details as below:

Venue: The Boat Club, Chennai

Dress Code: Collared shirts / T-shirts for men, and closed shoes. No dress code for women.

Date: Saturday, December 22, 2018

Time: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Fees per person: Rs 1000, which includes lunch, snacks and tea. Draught beer will be available at a price of Rs. 100 for a mug of 330 ml.

Last day to sign up: Thursday, December 20, 2018

Please use this form to signup:

NOTE: Once you have signed up, it is assumed you will attend the event and arrangements for drinks and food will be made on the basis of number of people who have signed up. So signup only if you are sure of attending the event.

Please come, and please bring friends who may enjoy such shenanigans. As we always say during Ender Benders, “fail fast and fail often.” That way, your team slips so far behind on the scoreboard that you can peacefully sit back, drink beer, and not fret too much about pouncing on questions.