Results – QFIII (Jan 30 -31st 2016)

Friends, patrons and beloved countrymen,

Thank you so much for showing up at QFIII and making it such a great event. We had a grand time and sure hope that you did too. Hope to see you all at our weekly meetings.

For those of you who couldn’t make it, here are the results of all the events.

Unseeded Open (Conducted by Dr. Navin Jayakumar)

The 1st QFI Unseeded Open was a grand success, with more than 170 participants ranging in age from 6-60 comprising 60 teams taking part. The excellent response to the quiz has ensured that the Unseeded Open will be a permanent annual fixture in Chennai’s quizzing calendar.

8 teams made it to the finals of the quiz out of the 60 teams and the winners were Ashwin Balasubramaniam, Nirmal Rajagopalan and Riccu Varghese.

The rest of the standings in order:
2. Keshav Athreya, SRS, Anand Shivshankar
3. Gautam Ghosh, Yogesh Pai, P Srikanth

Other Finalists
Susa, Pranav, Mario
Ramesh, Niranjan, Ramki
Sai Ganesh, Prashanth, Siddarth
Vishnu Prasad, Arvind Vijaysarathy, Thirukumaran
Vinid Sasidharan, Arunprasad, Anush Iyer

Honourable Mention
Dinesh Kirthivasan and team

Republic Day Quiz (Conducted by Quizician)

Quiz 2 of the QF-III weekend was the brilliant Quizician Republic Day Quiz. Here are the results (in order of final scores):

1. Swami, Samanth, Jayakanthan
2. Hrishi, Chandrakant, Praveen
3. Sankhya, Prashant, Vijay Sarathy
4. Dr. Navin, Ravi Mundoli, Anil Kumar K

Other Finalists
5. Ashwin, Navin Rajaram, Kiran Vijayakumar
6. Thejaswi Udupa, Sivakumar VV, Ramkey
7. Gautam Ghosh, Yogesh Pai, P. Srikant
8. CR, Bhargava, Alagarsamy

Honourable Mention
Landmark Venky, Srinath B, Manu Sudhakar

Rebel Alliance Quiz (Conducted by Ravi Mundoli, Rajagopal PS, Deviprasad V)

The Rebel Alliance of messrs. Ravi Mundoli, Rajagopal PS and Devi Prasad kicked off proceedings on day 2 of QF-III at the TAG auditorium, CEG. We are proud to announce that we started on time despite the huge traffic holdups caused due by The Wipro Chennai Marathon. Here are the results:

1. QED (Samanth, Swami, Jayakanthan) – 270
2. Jai Vakkalanka (Udupa, Ramkey, Shiv) – 163
3. The Fault in Our Stars (Venky, Srinath and Manu) – 135
4. Inmaniacs (Gautam Ghosh, P Srikant, Ashwin B) – 133
5. Forecasting Couch (Keshav, SRS, Anand) – 130
6. Insignificant Others (Vijay, Sankhya, Sreeram) – 122.5
7. Rotti Chennai (Gopal Kidao, Rajiv Rai, Rohit S) – 122.5
8. Remembrance of Things Fast (KVK, Navin Rajaram, Ashwin) – 115

Honourable Mention: CR, Alagar and Bhargava

Major’s General Quiz (Conducted by Major Chandrakant Nair)

On Republic Day, our QM, Dr. Major Chandrakant Nair posted that over the years, the QFI quiz was the one that he saved his best questions for. We have to say that we concur. Here are the results of a quiz that had something in it for everyone. The last name in each team is that of a college quizzer. We’re sure we’ll see more of them in the years to come!

1. QED (Swami, Samanth, Jayakanthan, Shashwat Salgaocar)
2. Jai Vakkalanka (Shiv, Udupa, Ramkey, Vishal)
3. Roti Chennai (Gopal, Rajiv, Roti, Siddharth)
4. Remembrance of Things Fast (Ashwin, KVK, Navin Rajaram, Nithin Ramesan)
5. Fault in Our Stars (Srinath, Manu, Venky, Pranavi)
6. Memory Blanks (Dr. Navin, Anil, Kiddo, Ferril Samal)
7. Insignificant Others (Sankhya, Sreeram, Vijay Sarathy, Subramaniam Balakrishna)
8. CIDs from Kerala (Hrishi, Praveen, Jithin, Aneesh Kallapur)
9. Forecasting Couch (Keshav, SRS, Anand, Akshat)

Honorable Mention: Samy and Friends (CR, Bhargava, Alagarsamy)

2 thoughts on “Results – QFIII (Jan 30 -31st 2016)

    1. The first quiz from the fest has been posted to the subscriber mailing list. You should have received it. We will post the other quizzes too, shortly.

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