QFI Meeting on May 31, 2015


We have a QFI meeting on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 10 AM. Venue will be our usual venue PS School.

We will have quizzes by Ravi Mundoli and Shreyas. Please be there for what promises to be a great set of quizzes.

If you are not a QFI member, please consider supporting QFI by subscribing to our annual membership. If you’re coming for Sunday’s meeting you can meet one of the QFI organizers to hand over your subscription fee of Rs 500 for the calendar year. If you are not able to hand over the fee in person, you can pay through post, bank deposit or online transfer. If you had paid the subscription fee for 2014 by online transfer, the account details remain the same and you can transfer the subscription fee for 2014 to the same account. If you need the account details please email us at qfichennai@gmail.com.

For the information of newcomers, QFI offers annual subscriptions on a calendar year basis and paying subscribers receive all our quizzes by email. Our annual membership fee is Rs. 500. Members get access to an exclusive mailing list on which quizzes from our meetings are circulated. Irrespective of when you subscribe to a QFI membership, you are assured of access to all the quizzes of the corresponding year, including the ones posted till your subscription date. So subscribe today!

Memberships are open to everyone, irrespective of location. You need not be a resident of Chennai to be a QFI member. The membership fee can be paid online, by bank deposit, or by post, so don’t miss out on our quizzes! Subscribers joining at any time of the year can access all of the year’s quizzes from the archives. If you were not a subscriber of QFI earlier and would like to access the quizzes of the year 2013 and 2014, you can subscribe to the corresponding year by transferring Rs. 500 per year of membership. We will add you to the archive mailing list containing the year’s quizzes and you can access them there. Again, a GMail address is necessary to access these archives.

Please email us for details. QFI relies on your patronage and your subscription would be a great way to support us. Please ensure you are subscribed to enjoy all the quizzes from our fortnightly meetings.

Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004

Time – 10 AM

2 thoughts on “QFI Meeting on May 31, 2015

    1. Hi
      You are free to attend our meetings without taking a subscription. It is purely optional.

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