QFI Meeting on 4th May, 2014 – Please note change in Venue

Dear Members,

This is to invite you to the QFI meeting to be held on Sunday, 4th May 2014, between 10AM and 1PM.

Our meeting will be held at a different venue this time as the hall at PS Senior School is unavailable.

The venue is: ePagemaker (Meeting will be on the terrace)
Address: ePagemaker, 48, Avvai Nagar Rd, Bharathi Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur – Chennai 600041.
Map here:

Way to Get there: (Landmarks – Thiruvanmiyur Post Office, Lattice bridge)
Coming from Adyar to Thiruvanmiyur –> Proceed straight at Thiruvanmiyur Signal –>after about half a km, to the left, there is "Thiruvanmiyur Post Office", then instead of taking a right (Lattice bridge which proceeds to OMR) – go straight just before Lattice Bridge –> then after about 50 m take a left after (it is a very small lane). Second or third building to the right.

We will have a quiz by Pranav, followed by a quiz from Rajeev Chakravarthi which will be conducted in absentia. Please be there to what promises to be a great set of quizzes!

As you might be aware, QFI offers annual subscriptions on a calendar year basis and paying subscribers receive all our quizzes by email. Those of you who are interested in taking up a new QFI membership / renewing one, can do so at the meeting in person. Our annual membership fee is Rs. 500. Members get access to an exclusive mailing list on which quizzes from our meetings are circulated. Memberships are open to everyone, irrespective of location. If you cannot pay your membership fee in person, it can also be paid online, by bank deposit, or by post, so don’t miss out on our quizzes! Please email us for details. QFI relies on your patronage and your subscription would be a great way to support us.

We have posted over ten sets of questions on our subscriber-only mailing list for this year already. Please make sure you are subscribed to enjoy these and other upcoming quizzes.