6 thoughts on “511

  1. Robert Burns poems inspired the titles/names

    Of Mice and Men is from a line in one of his poems.
    Catcher in the Rye is from Coming thro the Rye.
    Cutty Sark if from Tam O’ Shanter.

    In the Burns museum, there is a very cool painting of Tam Shanter on a horse with Nannie (The one wearing the Cutty Sark) in pursuit.

  2. Of Mice and Men – Catcher in the Rye – Cutty Sark – the connect is Robert Burns i.e. titles/name from Burn’s works

  3. the 1st is of mice and men , which takes its title from a burns’ poem
    3 is a cutty sark – again from burns’ Tam o’ Shanter .
    Robert Burns is the connect.

  4. Robert Burns.
    Cutty Sark derives its name from his Tam o’ Shanter.
    Of Mice and Men comes from Burns’ To A Mouse.
    Catcher in the Rye comes from Burns’ poem, ‘Comin’ thro’ the Rye’.

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