(EDIT: to say that the bit about entry fees has been removed. There is no entry fee for either quiz.)
The Quiz Foundation of India (Chennai Chapter), in association with Indian Terrain is proud to announce ‘The QFI Open Quiz 2009’, the fifth edition of the annual open quiz, which has become a fixture on the Chennai quizzing calendar.
The QFI Opens of the last four years have been resounding successes, attracting more than 120 teams each time, including some from Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai and even Ahmedabad. This time, the quiz promises to be both bigger and better. You can read The Hindu’s review of the QFI Open 2006 here, and the 2007 edition here.
Apart from being original, well researched and immensely entertaining, the QFI Open also aims at making quizzing a fun experience for everyone involved. It will try and bring to a wider audience the same mix of light-hearted fun and serious high-standard quizzing that is seen at QFI’s fortnightly meetings.
It is an open quiz with no conditions whatsoever for participation. All are welcome to participate. Prizes include cash and Landmark gift vouchers. do come and have fun. There will a Sports and Entertainment quiz in the morning at 10:30 a.m at the same venue. Plenty of audience prizes from Landmark and DilSeBol also on offer. The details are as follows:
Date: 7th of June, 2009 (Sunday)
Venue: Museum Theatre,
Govt. Museum, Pantheon Road,
Egmore, Chennai – 600008
Schedule of Events
Sports and Entertainment Quiz
Quizmaster: Rajen Prabhu
Research Team: Sreeram, Vijay Sarathy, Vinod Ganesh, Krishnamurti Ganesh, Vikram Rajan, Sivakumar V.V.
Timings: Prelims – 10:30 a.m. and Finals – 11:30 a.m.
Team size: Maximum of 2 members
General Quiz
Quizmaster: Vinod Ganesh
Research Team: Krishnamurti Ganesh, Vikram Rajan
Timings: Prelims – 03:30 p.m. and Finals – 05:00 p.m.
Team size: Maximum of 3 members
Also, if it’s not too much to ask for, please put this up on your blogs and bulletin boards and help spread the word. Thanks!!
Sample Questions from the last edition
Q1. During the 1994 FIFA World Cup in the United States, the teams usually travelled with a group of journalists from their nation. One of these flights had suffered a major delay, and the passengers finally started boarding after a frustrating long wait. During the routine security check, when one of the journalists was asked what he had in his bag, he sarcastically replied that he had a bomb. This sparked off a panic among the passengers, and nearly caused the flight to be cancelled. What did this incident lead to?
Q2. What word comes from the Latin for “I will please”, because it is used to denote something that is given merely to please than to actually benefit?
Q3. The Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt from 305 BC to 30 BC, issued a series of decrees over the course of their reign. The first one, issued in 239 BC by Ptolemy III, was called the Decree of Canopus. The second one, issued by Ptolemy IV in 216 BC, was called the Decree of Memphis. The third was issued by Ptolemy V in 196 BC. Why is it famous?
Q4. These are a special kind of military bullets are modified with a small pyrotechnic charge added in their base. Ignited upon firing, the composition burns very brightly making the projectile path visible to the naked eye. This enables the shooter to follow the bullet’s trajectory relative to the target in order to make corrections to his aim for the next shot. The British introduced this in 1915, and the U.S. did it two years later in 1917. What is this type of ammunition called?
A1. Dennis Bergkamp was traumatised and developed his famous fear of flying that would lead him to miss a number of matches overseas for both club and country.
A2. Placebo
A3. This was the inscription on the Rosetta Stone. It describes the repealing of various taxes and gives instructions to erect statues in temples.
A4. Tracer Bullets, familiar to us through the cricket commentary of Ravi Shastri.