Connect the four paintings providing necessary names.
The subjects of the four paintings were Ganymede, Europa, Io and Callisto, all lovers of Zeus (Jupiter). They lend their names to the four largest moons of Jupiter, called the ‘Galilean Moons’ as they were discovered by Galileo Galilei.
Cracked by 15 of you! In order – Thomas Masun, Diwakar Pingle, Thejaswi Udupa, CR, vijaysarathy, BoFi, zizzyphus, kasthuri, flashodin, citibank(rupt), ganesh, Vivek Krishnan, Mario, Dinesh and anil raghavan. Well done!
Dear Uncle:
Chi chi, such pornography first thing in the morning. If you must post such filth…at least make it Megan Fox-related, like that nice Uncle Samanth.
The connect is Io, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa — the four main Jovian moons. These paintings show those eponymous figures from Greek myth.
Kind regards,
Thomas Masun
Galielean moons of Jupiter – Gannyemede, Europa, Io and Callisto
Galilean satellites of Jupiter – Ganymede, Europa, Io, and Callisto in order.
Reubens’ Abduction of Ganymede
Coypel’s Rape of Europa
Correggio’s Jupiter and Io
Boucher’s Jupiter and Callisto
Connect: Gallilean Moons of Jupiter.
(the last was the most difficult- I thought you would’ve used Titian’s depictions of Europa and Callisto)
Moons of Jupiter/ lovers of Zeus – Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
Discovered by Galilei
Ganymede, Europa, Io and Callisto being seduced by Jupiter (Zeus) in his various disguises…and hence the 4 largest moons of Jupiter
1.Rape of Ganymede by Peter Paul Rubens
2.Abduction of Europa by Noel-Nicolas Coypel
3.Io and Jupiter by Antonio da Correggio
4.Jupiter and Callisto by Francois Boucher
All the names refer to largest moons of jupiter
Also all these names refer to Zeus’ lovers(Greek equivalent of Roman god Jupiter) and all these Jupiter’s moons are also called Galilean moons.
jupiter and ganymede
zeus and europa
jupiter and io
jupiter and callisto
1. Ganymede
2. Europa
3. Io
4. Callisto
They are all moons of Jupiter
Guided purely by standard quizzing guessing fundae, ill have to say that these are paintings by Leonardo, Raphael, Micaelangelo, Donatello..
Just a Guess…Europa, Libya, Asia (Clymene), Callistoe – after whom four of the continents (Callistoe became Ursa Major, which gave name to Arctic from which Antarctic) get its name
Can Thomas take this quiz? I’m sure he’s now decided his topic for 2015 mastermind round.
1. Rape of Ganymede by Rubens
2. The Rape of Europa by Coypel
3. Io and Zeus by Correggio
4. Jupiter & Callisto by Boucher
The Moons of Jupiter share the same name as the people in the paintings
Paintings by Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo – Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles.
Ruben’s Rape of Ganymede,Abduction of Europa,Jupiter and Io and the last one of Jupiter and callisto by Francois boucher paintings connects to Galilean moons of Jupiter and Zeus’ lovers.
The four Galilean Moons of Jupiter: Ganymede, Europa, Io and Callisto. They were named after lovers of the god Zeus , who is the Greek equivalent of Jupiter.
1.The Rape of Ganymede, by Rubens
2.Enlèvement d’Europe by Nöel-Nicolas Coypel
3.Io and Zeus by Antonio Correggio
4. Jupiter and Callisto by François Boucher
In order they are
Ganymede, Europa, Io and callisto – the 4 moons of Jupiter.
Ganymede, Europa, Io and Callisto. The four moons of Jupiter that Galileo found.
1)abduction of ganymede/reubens
2)enlivement of europe/coypel
connection is galilean moons