QFI Session on Sunday, 17th July. Venue – PS Senior

QFI Session on Sunday, 17th July. Venue – PS Senior

We have a QFI session on Sunday, 17th July. There will be two quizzes, one will be part of the QF1 series (a solo written quiz), and the other will be a regular general team quiz.

This session’s QF1 will be by Anil and the team quiz will be by Ravikiran Ramaswamy. Both of them have done great quizzes for us in the past, so do make it a point to attend. We’ve seen quite a surge in attendance in the past few sessions and we look forward to many of you attending in even greater numbers in the coming ones.

The venue will be PS Senior School and the session starts at 10 AM. The complete address is at the bottom of the mail.

Note – QF1 is a 40-question prelims style quiz, part of a larger programme called ‘QF1: The QFI Points Race’. It will be a part of every QFI session and we plan to have close to 20+ such quizzes every year. Participants attempt the quiz solo. It will be a 40 question written quiz in the vein of the preliminary rounds of popular quizzes like the Landmark Quiz. The written solo quiz will be followed by a regular team quiz in the bounce/pounce format, for all the participants. There will be no elimination or selection based on the written quiz. The teams for the team quiz will be formed on the spot through our random team formation which ensures that everyone present gets to be a part of a team. You do not need to come with a team to participate in either of the quizzes.

For the information of newcomers, QFI offers annual subscriptions on a calendar year basis and paying subscribers receive all our quizzes by email. Those of you who are interested in taking up a new QFI subscription/renewing one, can do so at our meetings in person. Our annual membership fee is Rs. 500. Subscribers get access to an exclusive mailing list in which quizzes from our meetings are circulated.

Subscriptions are open to everyone, irrespective of location. If you cannot pay your subscription fee in person, it can also be paid online, by bank deposit, or by post, so don’t miss out on our quizzes! Subscribers joining at any time of the year can access all of the year’s quizzes from the archives. Please email us for details. QFI relies on your patronage and your subscription would be a great way to support us. Please ensure you are subscribed to enjoy all the quizzes from our fortnightly meetings.

Note: To attend the QFI sessions, you don’t need to be a paying subscriber. All are welcome! Subscription is a purely optional way to support QFI and receive all our quizzes by email. 

Date – 17th July (Sunday)
Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004
Time – 10 AM

For any queries, you can reach us at quizfoundation@gmail.com
