*QFI Grandmaster is at PS Senior and at 9am on Sunday*
At the stroke of the midnight hour, while half the world sleeps and India celebrates its 72nd Independence Day, as a friendly voice booms from the ramparts of the Dalmia Red Fort, while quizzers congregate in Chennai for the Landmark Quiz (well you get the drift), we’d like to welcome you to the <insert cool sounding Roman numeral here> edition of the QFI Grandmaster, our annual lone wolf quiz.
Punters are already referring to the Grandmaster as ‘that quiz which JK conducts every other year’. Tradition has it that the previous year’s Grandmaster conduct the quiz in the succeeding year. Kiran Vijaykumar (KVK), QFI Grandmaster in 2017 will therefore host the 2018 edition. The quiz, as always will be a two stage event comprising a written prelims for all followed by a finals for the prelim toppers.
KVK, when he’s not winning quizzes all by himself or as part of the quizzing super-group RoTF, sets legendary quizzes. Quizzing folklore has it that he once conducted a QF1 set where all the answers were connected to the numbers 1-40 and another one at the 2016 Ender Bender where all the answers were linked in some way to Terry Pratchett’s 42 Discworld novels. So do show up for an epic session even if you do not consider yourself to be a GM. IMs, FMs, CMs, WCMs, WIMs, WFMs etc. are just as welcome.
The venue is PS Senior, Mylapore, and the session will begin at 9 a.m. No fees or subscription or registration is necessary to take part. Just turn up on the day regardless of whether you want to participate or just watch.
Details of the forthcoming Sunday quiz session:
Date – 19th August (Sunday)
Venue – PS Senior Secondary School, #33, Alarmelmangapuram, Mylapore, Chennai 600004
Time – 9 AM
For any queries, please write to us at mail@quizfoundation.com
We hope to see you there!