Wish you all a very happy Tamil Puththandu, Vishu, Baisakhi, Poila Baisakh (and any other annual resetting of calendars/harvest festival that I may have left out). As a prequel to QFIesta, scheduled for April 30-May 1st and in response to the rather so-so list of films scheduled for release over the weekend, we will be meeting for a special all-day session at the Book Release Hall of the Anna Centenary Library, Kotturpuram on Saturday, 15th April.
Schedule and location available below:
10am – 1pm: QF1 and general quiz by Dinesh Krithivasan
2pm: Quiz by Bay Area Quiz Club (BAQC)
Location: Anna Centenary Library, Kotturpuram
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/767732766716682/