The characters played by Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti in “Shoot ’em Up” are supposedly based on Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. Heath Ledger’s Joker in “The Dark Knight” resembles Bugs Bunny – the voice and the hospital scene where he appears in drag.

Identify this very imaginatively named piece of equipment, its significance and the driver.


10 thoughts on “158

  1. Henry Ford’s quadricycle, so called because it ran on four bicycle tyres. It became a superhit, so Henry Uncle decided to start what has to be the worst managed auto company in history.

  2. Given that they are facing something similar to my favourite banks’s state, I cannot aff”ford” to miss guessing quadricycle.

  3. Ford Quadricycle
    This was the first automobile that Henry Ford built in his garage, and the driver is Henry Ford.

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